Slovenske Zelenice Infrastruktura

Involvement in the project

SŽ is providing a demo site with identified landslide problem. Organize a building site and provide support for execution of demonstration project. Provide advice and data about existing materials and construction procedures and provide special equipment.

Slovenian Railways-Infrastructure, company for the management and maintenance of rail infrastructure and for the operation of rail traffic Ltd

Passenger transportFreight transport
Public rail infrastructure
Infrastructure access
Transport corridors

Slovenske Zelenice Infrastruktura

Construction Company Transport Company

Slovenske Zelenice Infrastruktura

Construction Company| Transport Company

Slovenske Zelenice Infrastruktura

Involvement in the project

SŽ is providing a demo site with identified landslide problem. Organize a building site and provide support for execution of demonstration project. Provide advice and data about existing materials and construction procedures and provide special equipment.

The Company

Slovenian Railways-Infrastructure, company for the management and maintenance of rail infrastructure and for the operation of rail traffic Ltd


Passenger transportFreight transport
Public rail infrastructure
Infrastructure access
Transport corridors
